Scrap Metal Forum - The Official Scrap Metal Recycling Community - SMF Craigslist Ad Maker
If you aren't getting the absolute most out of each and every prospect that Craigslist makes available to you, you are simply leaving money on the table. What makes your ad any better than the next guys? I can almost guarantee there are plenty of other scrap metal ads on Craigslist competing with yours. What if your potential prospect viewed your removal advertisement, then the next removal ad in the list, what will make them call you instead of another option? Once your listing is formatted and published using this software and it's now sitting amongst a dozen other, UGLY NORMAL ads offering the same thing, all of a sudden your listing turns into a complete CUSTOMER MAGNET. The Craigslist Ad Maker will make your listing STAND OUT amongst the rest. It will transform your average listing on Craigslist into an effective phone call inducer. When your listing looks more professional, cleaner, and BETTER than the rest of them, which listing's phone number do you think they will feel more comfortable giving a call? It's simple, the better your ad is, the more effective it will be. Problem is what if you don't know HTML?! And who has the time to sit around trying to figure it out every time you need to post a service or for sale ad? You know the scrap metal industry, not HTML, CSS or PHP coding. NO KNOWLEDGE OF HTML REQUIRED with the SMF CL Ad Maker. We've built all of the allowed code Craigslist permits, into a simple, fill in the blanks, point and click software interface. Craigslist is a community where there is no shortage of prospects whom have scrap metal they want gone. If someone posts free scrap, it's gone within 5 minutes. Likewise for the prospect, when they search for...
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