Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Online Golf Instruction Program - Drop 7.5 Shots By the Weekend. Guaranteed!

Online Golf Instruction Program - Drop 7.5 Shots By the Weekend. Guaranteed!

Imagine the Look On Your Friends' Faces As You Step Up To The Tee And Crush A Long, Towering Drive... Straight Down The Middle Of The Fairway... Easily Going 50 Yards Past ANY Of Their Shots. And imagine as they stand there in envy as you chip it onto the green and sink a 31 foot putt for birdie. They'll be dying to know your secrets... The last time we played together... I played so poorly, I ended up being the laughing stock of the group. When it was my time to tee off, I placed the ball up on the tee and crushed a gorgeous 325-yard shot straight down the middle of the fairway and onto the green. Each of the other guys went up and... like they usually do... either dropped the ball into a bunker, hit it into the rough, or barely put any distance on it at all. My golf partners couldn't believe their eyes. They even "jokingly" checked my golf balls to see if I was playing with anything illegal! Now... if you would have asked me if this was possible a few years ago... I would have said "No way." But nowadays... it's pretty common for me to go out with a foursome for a 5pm tee time. And by the end of 18... I'm at least double digit strokes ahead. And honestly... it's ALL about harnessing and directing the natural power, skill, and accuracy you ALREADY HAVE in you. For example, by learning how to put that "little extra oomph" at just the right point of impact... you'll consistently LAUNCH incredibly long tee shots... easily taking a stroke off each hole. And that's the difference between being an average golfer that's lucky to break 100... and being a VERY GOOD golfer that...

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