Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Which of these 7 mistakes cause your insomnia? - SleepTracks.com

Which of these 7 mistakes cause your insomnia? - SleepTracks.com

I had sleep­ing prob­lems for about 10 years, but one year they inex­plic­a­bly became ter­ri­bly worse. For 2 years I tried every­thing, sleep­ing pills, light ther­apy, behav­ior ther­apy, doc­tors, sleep stud­ies, noth­ing helped. I could barely func­tion at work and almost lost my job for it. I couldn’t work a full work-​​week so I always had to take leave with­out pay and my pay­checks decreased sub­stan­tially, cre­at­ing a huge eco­nomic stress for me. I couldn’t main­tain any kind of social life. I suf­fered from depres­sion as a result of every­thing. The extreme hope­less­ness I felt, believ­ing there was no hope of things get­ting bet­ter was unbear­able. Almost every day for 2 years I tried to do my own research on a cure, think­ing maybe I missed some­thing last time I looked for answers, maybe this one time I’ll find some­thing dif­fer­ent. I became sui­ci­dal but stum­bled across the Sleep­Tracks site and told myself this was my last time try­ing. If it didn’t work, I would take my own life. I’ve been using Sleep­Tracks for over a year now. I’m still amazed at how effec­tive is has been for me when noth­ing else worked. It’s been so long since I felt like my life belonged to me, but I finally have it back. Words can­not express how grate­ful I am for your pro­gram and how it has changed my life, all I can say is thank you. So a mil­lion times over, and...

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