Selasa, 26 November 2013

De-coding Tell Tale Signs that it is Time to Find a New Job

De-coding Tell Tale Signs that it is Time to Find a New Job

You have been thinking about changing careers for a long time now but wish there were more signs that would confirm your thoughts. With over 84% of Americans claiming to want a new job, you are not along on this boat.

However, to find a job now means that you may be risking your current job without the assurance of a better prospect. Said that, if you are in one or more of the following spots in your career, it is time to start to find a job that is more satisfying and fulfilling.

  1. You tend to Limit your Job related thoughts to 9 to 5

There are a number of ways to tell whether or not it is time to start finding new local jobs. Feeling burnt out is an obvious sign. If you constantly have that dreaded feeling about going back to work, then you must reconsider your current situation.  Another significant sign is when you spend time thinking about this when are not at your workplace. Do you end up dreaming up ideas? Do you spend time getting to know your industry better? If the answers o these questions is no, then it is best for you to start looking for other opportunities on job search websites and check if they ignite any innate passion in you.

  1. You are Consistently breaking the 80/20 Rule

It is ideal to have a set 80% rule for work satisfaction. This means that you need to be at least 80% happy with your boss, career or job. If your satisfaction levels fall below that, it is time to either fine tune your current situation, change career directions entirely or find yourself a new job.

A surprisingly large number of individuals tend to aim forasmuch as 95 or even 100% satisfaction which in reality is wishful thinking.
  1. Your idea of “career reading” has changed

If you stop taking your annual review seriously or take the task of interviewing a potential hire casually; chances are that your work is not long interesting you. Small signs such as cancelling your industry publication subscription for a hobby magazine, and thoughts as such ‘I wonder what it would be like to love my career again’ are all signs that you need a change.

  1. There is no perk that would make staying for this job worth the while

Career fatigue is known to have a physical as well as emotional impact. If you are feeling depressed, bored or tired on a regular basis, chances are that you are going through career fatigue. If you find yourself unwilling to continue doing this job for more money, higher benefits and a range of perks and continue to look for more ways to access games and social networks at your work computer, it is time to start thinking about your next move.

Log on to job search engines, speak with counselors, head hunters, former colleagues, family members and friends for ideas on how to go about making this job shift. While you are at it make it a point to find your true calling and avoid compromising just so you can change your job.

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