It is good to save your no claim bonus if your repairing expenses are not above your car insurance premium. These no claim bonuses will enormously help to keep your premium down. Avoid making any modifications to your covered vehicle because it may affect your policy premium. Even if you made your decision about the insurance products, but still it is beneficial to double check online. Sometimes, insurance companies in India offer low rates when you purchase policy online. Ensure about policy rates by visiting their respective websites before coming to any conclusion. Carefully read the policy document and check exclusions as well.
The insurance rates could be different even for similar coverage amount. Ask any insurance related queries to your insurance service providers and then close the deal when you are completely satisfied with the selected insurance product. If your comprehensive plan does not suit your current budget, then buy at least fire, theft and third party cover. Cash-strapped individuals have to think about insurance expenses before purchasing any vehicle. Decreasing your deductible could lead to a proportionate increase in your premiums.
But, choose an amount which you can easily afford to pay if customers need to file claims. Loan payoff and roadside assistance may look attractive to many customers but will increase your car insurance premiums. Collision and comprehensive insurance may not be worth financially if you buy a plan to cover old car whose value has depreciated. In fact, a good driving history can work in your favor when it comes to lower your insurance premiums. Buy your car, health and home insurance plans from the same insurance company in India so that you can avail some extra benefits. In case you own more than one vehicle, then you should buy insurance for all vehicles from the same insurance company in India.
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