Investing in a treadmill is a great way to ensure that you always get adequate exercise despite a busy schedule. However, you have to be careful when picking one up because the market is saturated with models of inferior quality. Don't be blinded by cheap prices as they might end up costing more in the long run.
You might have seen ads for treadmills that cost less than a hundred dollars. That would be an incredible bargain except that these are usually manual treadmills. They do not have motors and so they rely on the user to supply the force necessary to move the belt. To get it started, you will have to huff and puff as you push down the belt with you feet. You will need to continue with this all throughout the course of your workout to keep it moving or else it will crawl to a stop. This can be very frustrating and you might grow to hate working out because of it.
Cheap electric treadmills for sale are only marginally better. Although they have motors that take care of the belt's movement, these often have low power ratings so they can't achieve the high speeds required for speed training. They are also known to stop and stutter.
If you are thinking of purchasing a branded but used treadmill, then try to check out the unit personally to evaluate its condition. Ask the owner about its history like year of purchase, frequency of use, known quirks, and the like.
A good way to buy cheap without sacrificing quality is to look at reconditioned units. These have been fully cleaned and repaired by the manufacturer so they are almost brand new except they come at a much lower price. These typically come with a limited warranty which presents a reasonable amount of security compared to garage sales that offer none.
A cheap treadmill may have a low initial cost but it can consume a lot of money during its lifetime because of frequent repairs.
You are much better off saving up for a more reliable brand with a good warranty and service agreement.Even if the machine performs reasonably well, you will outgrow it in time. You will not be able to sell it for much because nobody knows the brand. People are wary of low quality exercise equipment for good reasons and you should be, too.
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