Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Effective Strategies for Discussing School with Your Child

Effective Strategies for Discussing School with Your Child

The most essential part of a parent/child relationship is good communication. After all, when you are unaware as to what is going on in the lives of your children, how will you be an effective parent? Although communication is quite important, it is not always easy. So, what are some tips you can use to facilitate this very important skill? Below you will find some simple tips that will make communication easy for you and your child both.

Communication Basics and Points to Consider

Have a look at these tips that will make communicating with your children easier and more effective.

  • Practice listening first, and talking second - Most adults want to share their hard-earned experience with their children. However, listening to what your children have to say is just as important. For example, after you ask a question of your child, be still and listen as they express themselves.
  • Learn the art of reflective listening - The skill of communication is complicated. Adults may feel that they have expressed themselves clearly, when in fact they have been completely misunderstood. If you practice reflective listening you can ensure that what you have said is completely understood. When you are speaking with your children, make it a habit to repeat back to them what you believe you have heard. In this way, you give them a chance to correct you if you are wrong.    

Have Your Child Repeat Back to You What You Said.

  • "Listen" with your eyes - Young children are especially good at expressing themselves by using body language rather than words. Times will come when a child will say they are just fine, when they actually are not. In these cases, actions really are louder than words, so if a child cannot communicate verbally their disinterest or enjoyment, it may be that you will have to gauge their true feelings based on their body language.

Talking about school

You will find that there are several categories that communicating with children can fall into, and each of them is important in their own right. Below are three different ways to communicate and ways they can be enhanced.

  • How Did Your Day Go? - The easiest and best way to find out how your children's day went is to simply ask them. If it is possible, make it a habit to sit at the kitchen table together for a little while after the whole family is home, then ask your children about their day.
  • Information from school - From time to time, your child’s school may have to send home information such as holiday schedules, announcements for field trips, and request for lunch money. In order to keep track of these and other school announcements and notes, a good idea might be to hang a brightly colored magnetic or cork bulletin board close by your front door. Instruct your children to stop at the bulletin board right after they get home and post any papers they get from their teachers.
  • When there's a problem - You as a parent need to know about any problems your child may be having such as with schoolwork or with another student. It is also vital that your children understand that it is always safe to come and talk to you about anything.

Reach to Get Help

You may find at times that being a parent alone is overwhelming. If the problems and concerns about your children are too much for you to handle, you can always reach out to your child’s Elementary School. The Principal or head of school most likely has a few suggestions and informative resources.

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